Citizenship Fair Day


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Border Network for Human Rights held a naturalization fair on Wednesday, June 22, in their offices in El Paso, TX. The fair offered legal assistance, at no cost, to eligible lawful permanent residents to help them complete their citizenship applications.

Communications Shop partnered with local Univision El Paso to promote the citizenship fair, available resources, and event locations. Promotion came in the form of Public Service Announcement (PSA) ads and interviews with members of the BNHR team. 

The first spot consisted of an interview by Univision anchor Viri Solano with policy director Betty Camargo in Question-answer format. The second spot consisted of a quick interview confirming the event’s location, date, and purpose. Finally, the third spot consisted of an interview to reconfirm details and invite the community to the Citizenship Fair and the benefits of becoming a citizen. Univision El Paso confirmed a special interest in promoting this initiative and shared our promotional graphics during the aforementioned segments. In addition to the Univision partnership, Communications Shop developed a social media strategy to promote the event and traditional media pitching to local stations. 

Thanks to these efforts, BNHR had a successful Citizenship Fair Day with the assistance of 300 people who received critical information about the naturalization process and media coverage.

Additional resources. 


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