In December 2021, the Nutrition for Growth Summit (N4G) was held in Tokyo. In coordination with the Director of Global Policy and Advocacy of 1,000 Days, Communications Shop had the historic opportunity to transform the way the world addressed the challenges of hunger and malnutrition. The main objective was to provide 1,000 Days of social media content around World Food Day and launch a strategy to engage all audiences with the key messages and resources.. building on our core values of working to eradicate social inequalities, our team worked to help the design of a communications toolkit to inspire momentum and commitments to the Summit with people around the world.
The guide’s content included a high-level narrative that set the tone for the campaign to inspire multi-stakeholder communications during the 3 months leading up to the event. In addition, several infographics and sixty media graphics were produced to collectively call for and achieve ending malnutrition in all its forms.
Additionally, Communications Shop supported the creation of five 30-second videos, suggested tweets -organized by topic/thematic areas-, information materials, and a messaging guide adapted to Spanish-speaking audiences. It also included press materials such as media advisories, press releases, Op-Eds, and more.