During the 2022 midterm elections in Maryland, after eight years of having a Republican governor, Maryland faced an extremist Republican candidate, making this election cycle especially critical for protecting our democracy. With a limited number of governors in the United States representing the Black, Brown, and other minority communities, the 2022 election in Maryland became essential and historic.
Communications Shop partnered with Maryland’s Democratic candidate for governor, Wes Moore, and his campaign to provide strategic communications focused on mobilizing the Latino vote.
Communications Shop led the Wes Moore Spanish language campaign by informing Maryland voters and residents about Wes Moore’s vision and plan for the Latino community through digital platforms, media interviews, opinion articles, and radio spots, among other tactics.
The campaign reached an audience of over one million Spanish-speaking Marylanders through various platforms. All involved parties’ hard work and dedication contributed to the historic win, making Wes Moore the first Black governor-elect of Maryland and Aruna Miller the first woman and immigrant lieutenant governor-elect of Maryland.